Does Dementia Cause Apathy?

Does Dementia Cause Apathy?

Individuals living with dementia often experience apathy. When someone’s become apathetic, they no longer show interest, enthusiasm or concern about their life. They may not notice or show any reaction to what’s going on around them. This is caused by damage to the frontal lobes of the brain – the area that controls motivation and the ability to plan or sequence actions.

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Finding Joy in Life With Dementia

Finding Joy in Life With Dementia

Loving someone with dementia can be so difficult at times. It’s hard to remember on the ‘bad’ days, but they are still capable of feeling love, purpose, fulfillment and joy. The affection that they can show demonstrates how powerful human emotion is, even overcoming cognitive decline. There is joy beyond the diagnosis, not just gloom, and that’s true for you, your loved one and the entire family.

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Apps that Are Beneficial for Individuals with Dementia

Apps that Are Beneficial for Individuals with Dementia

Caregivers have been using technology to help care for individuals with dementia for years. Things like digital reminders, alarm clocks that display the current date and time in large numbers and automatic pill dispensers can be very helpful to both caregivers and their loved ones. And as technology advances, so do dementia caregiving solutions.

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Is it Better to Tell Someone That They Have Dementia Over and Over again, or to Just Let it Go?

Is it Better to Tell Someone That They Have Dementia Over and Over again, or to Just Let it Go?

Memory loss is the most common symptom of dementia. Your loved one in the early stages of dementia may remember that they have the syndrome, but people typically forget their diagnosis as it progresses. Your loved one may repetitively ask you, “Do I have dementia?” They may also ask, “What is wrong with me?” They might also not be able to articulate what they are experiencing, and this can generate confusion, frustration, and stress.  Should you remind your loved one that they have dementia, even if you must do it repeatedly? Or should you just let it go?  

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