Senior Living Guides

No matter where you are in your journey, there are resources to help you along the way.

Signs & Symptoms Of Early Onset Alzheimer’s

Dementia is an overall term for a progressive brain disease, the most common type is known as Alzheimer’s, but there are many different types of dementia with varying causes. Learn the some common signs and symptoms in this download. 

The Four Most Important Things To Look For When Choosing A Memory Care Community

Choosing the right memory care facility can be overwhelming, let alone the fact that many life changes can be challenging by themselves. To help you sort through the numerous options available, here are the most important questions to consider. 

Are You Prepared?

Every plan of care needs a foundation, and organizing your finances and legal documents is an important first step to building an action plan, as this is key in preparing and paying for future care needs. Make sure you have the necessary documents in place. 

Is it Time for Memory Care?

When families first come in to Sundara the question we hear most often is, “When Will it be Time for Memory Care?” The short answer is when the person becomes a danger to themselves or others. However because dementia is a progressive disease there can be signs that you can watch for to help you and your family determine when the right time for long-term care is, before a crisis occurs.

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