Becoming a caregiver can be a difficult endeavor for even trained personnel, here are some tips to help you and your loved one manage the weight of caregiving.

Becoming a caregiver can be a difficult endeavor for even trained personnel, here are some tips to help you and your loved one manage the weight of caregiving.
Having a daily routine when caring for a loved one with dementia can decrease stress for you both, prevent burnout and allow you to make time for yourself.
Self-care is vital to your mental and physical well-being, and this includes finding a support system – a group of people that walk in similar caregiving shoes as you…people that share pain points as well as wins. You do not have to be on this caregiving journey alone. Support can help to prevent burnout!
As you prepare for your needed and welcome break during the holiday season, remember that you aren’t alone and respite care can be the way for you to take better care of yourself during any busy or stressful time.
Give yourself permission every single day to care for yourself as a caregiver.