Can My Parent Get a Private Room in Assisted Living or Memory Care?

Can My Parent Get a Private Room in Assisted Living or Memory Care?

If you’ve been looking for a private room in assisted living for your parent, you know that it can be a frustrating task. Many communities have a long wait list for private rooms – but what if your parent needs 24/7 care now? You might consider skipping the wait, since companion rooms offer a range of benefits for individuals with memory care issues.

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Treating Dementia PLUS A Chronic Illness in Round Rock, Texas

Treating Dementia PLUS A Chronic Illness in Round Rock, Texas

Caring for a parent, spouse or another family member with dementia isn’t always easy, and it’s even more complicated if your loved one is living with both dementia and another chronic illness, like cancer or diabetes. How do you manage it all – the practical day-to-day things, as well as the emotional impacts of a situation like this? And where can you find help here in the Round Rock, Texas area?

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Doctors Who Specialize in Dementia in Round Rock, Texas

Doctors Who Specialize in Dementia in Round Rock, Texas

Contact your primary care physician if you are seeing signs of cognitive decline in your loved one. Most primary care physicians can perform an initial assessment and evaluation. It is important to get this diagnosis as soon as possible. Early intervention can slow down dementia’s rate of progression.

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Our Family Just Received the Dementia Diagnosis – Now What?

Our Family Just Received the Dementia Diagnosis – Now What?

If your loved one has just been diagnosed with dementia you may feel stunned, knowing that the condition is life-changing – it is never easy on a family. It can feel frightening. You may wonder what the next steps should be. Dementia is progressive in nature, but as you gain knowledge about the condition, and as you set some plans in place, it can help make the process smoother, and it will enable you to provide the best care for your loved one.

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