Keeping a Routine as a Caregiver of Someone with Dementia

Keeping a Routine as a Caregiver of Someone with Dementia

One of the simplest yet most important things to remember in dementia caregiving is that routine is critical. When their day is unstructured, it can feel unpredictable and therefore unsafe for someone with dementia. Routine can provide this needed structure, for both the individual with dementia and the caregiver.

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Does Dementia Cause Apathy?

Does Dementia Cause Apathy?

Individuals living with dementia often experience apathy. When someone’s become apathetic, they no longer show interest, enthusiasm or concern about their life. They may not notice or show any reaction to what’s going on around them. This is caused by damage to the frontal lobes of the brain – the area that controls motivation and the ability to plan or sequence actions.

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Is There More Than One Type of Dementia?

Is There More Than One Type of Dementia?

A lot of people think that dementia and Alzheimer’s are synonymous, but Alzheimer’s is just one condition that can cause dementia. Dementia is a descriptive term that covers impaired memory and the loss of other cognitive abilities. 

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Why Do People Become Aggressive When They Have Dementia?

Why Do People Become Aggressive When They Have Dementia?

Sometimes, a person has always been forceful or aggressive and they’re simply continuing this behavior, but that’s often not the case. So when someone you’ve known for years to be a kind and gentle person suddenly becomes mean or violent, it can be a huge emotional shock.

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My Parent Has Dementia but Is Refusing Care – What Do I Do?

My Parent Has Dementia but Is Refusing Care – What Do I Do?

One of the challenges that many people caring for a parent with dementia face at some point is their parent’s refusal to accept care. When this happens to you, it might feel like your parent just wants to be difficult, but this resistance actually comes from the symptoms of dementia and the accompanying impaired mental functions. What comes off as stubbornness is often confusion, fear, stress or anxiety. It’s a frustrating experience, to be sure, but there are a few steps you can take to alleviate your parent’s concerns and make caregiving a more positive experience for you both. 

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Apps that Are Beneficial for Individuals with Dementia

Apps that Are Beneficial for Individuals with Dementia

Caregivers have been using technology to help care for individuals with dementia for years. Things like digital reminders, alarm clocks that display the current date and time in large numbers and automatic pill dispensers can be very helpful to both caregivers and their loved ones. And as technology advances, so do dementia caregiving solutions.

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