When your loved one keeps calling you, it’s most likely because they need something – even if it’s just a chat to alleviate loneliness. If you’re finding their constant calls frustrating, there are things you can do to reassure your loved one and bring some routine into their life – and a little peace back into yours.
Late-Stage Caregiving
It can be difficult to think about the end of life, but as a caregiver, planning ensures that the best support and comfort is provided to your loved one throughout late-stage dementia and the end-of-life experience.
How to Recognize Caregiver Burnout
Fifty years ago, psychologist Herbert J. Freudenberger studied and summed up the symptoms of chronic fatigue in medical and caregiving professions with the term burnout. He described it as a “state of mental and physical exhaustion caused by one’s professional life.”
The Importance of Routine in Dementia Caregiving
Having a daily routine when caring for a loved one with dementia can decrease stress for you both, prevent burnout and allow you to make time for yourself.
Caregiver Stress Check
Are you suffering from caregiver stress? This stress checklist can help you to determine what might be signs of stress overload – and what you can do about it.
Things You Can Do to Make Sure Your Parents’ Home is Safe
As our parents age, we often take on the role of caregiver, and the management of this can happen from afar. From a distance, we can take measures to help our parents remain safe, but the first step is to physically visit our parents to identify things that we can change.
Round Rock Elderly Care Organizations
When we notice changes in our loved one’s behavior and increased forgetfulness it can feel alarming and overwhelming, even if we feel we have prepared ourselves for this moment. What do I do now? Who can I turn to in my area?
Common Ailments, Conditions, and Symptoms that Come with Dementia
It’s worrisome when our loved ones with dementia suddenly exhibit changes in behavior. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of some of the most common ailments and conditions that occur with dementia, what behavior changes could come with them, as well as some caregiving tips on how to handle them.