Sundara’s Vaccine Response
New COVID vaccinations rolled out on a national level over the holidays and we are excited to announce that Sundara residents and staff were all offered the vaccine last on January 14th as part of Texas’s Department of state health services (DSHS) phase 1A distribution of vaccines.
Sundara leadership is encouraged by the partnership with pharmacies and state services to quickly get the vaccine out to our residents. After such a challenging year, these vaccinations move us one step closer to resuming normalcy for residents and staff.
Please be assured that we are committed to the safety efforts we have in place such as wearing a mask, sanitation practices and physical distancing and will not let up on these best practices.
See all of Sundara Senior Living’s COVID Response
COVID Vaccination News for Texas
Currently Texas is in Phases 1A and 1B, with the vaccine available to
- Front-line healthcare workers
- Residents at long-term care facilities
- Those over 65
- Those over 16 years of age and older with at least one chronic medical condition
If you are in an eligible group you can contact your physician, your local pharmacy or another vaccine provider. In order to get the vaccine out quickly to as many people as possible, Texas has established vaccination ‘hubs’ around the state.
Click here to find the hub nearest you and to register.
COVID Vaccination Resources
U.S. and Texas health officials have created many valuable resources to keep the public informed. Sundara follows the guidance of national and state health officials around the efficacy and safety of its vaccines. To learn more, please see the following:
Texas vaccine availability map
Vaccination FAQs
Chronic conditions and Phase 1B Details
What to expect after the vaccine
Vaccine safety
CDC guidelines for allergic reactions
Texas vaccine HUB locations