Being a Caregiver at a Young Age

Being a Caregiver at a Young Age

Caregiving for a loved one is a unique experience that is, for many people, its own reward. But that doesn’t mean that caregiving doesn’t come with its challenges. Caring for another person can be a major inconvenience, and can even require you to put your own life plans on hold. This is often a bigger concern for younger caregivers, who are more likely to be at a point in their life where they’re going to school, trying to start their career or trying to find a romantic partner.

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How Do I Deal With Paranoia in My Loved One with Dementia?

How Do I Deal With Paranoia in My Loved One with Dementia?

If you’re a caretaker for a loved one with dementia, at some point, they may experience delusions – strong beliefs that have no real basis in reality, which can form into paranoia which worsens as dementia progresses. Paranoia adds an extra layer of stress to the already difficult job of caretaking, but there are ways you can soothe your loved one and manage their symptoms.

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