Why Do People Become Aggressive When They Have Dementia?

Why Do People Become Aggressive When They Have Dementia?

Sometimes, a person has always been forceful or aggressive and they’re simply continuing this behavior, but that’s often not the case. So when someone you’ve known for years to be a kind and gentle person suddenly becomes mean or violent, it can be a huge emotional shock.

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How Do I Deal With Paranoia in My Loved One with Dementia?

How Do I Deal With Paranoia in My Loved One with Dementia?

If you’re a caretaker for a loved one with dementia, at some point, they may experience delusions – strong beliefs that have no real basis in reality, which can form into paranoia which worsens as dementia progresses. Paranoia adds an extra layer of stress to the already difficult job of caretaking, but there are ways you can soothe your loved one and manage their symptoms.

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