Can My Parent Get a Private Room in Assisted Living or Memory Care?

Can My Parent Get a Private Room in Assisted Living or Memory Care?

If you’ve been looking for a private room in assisted living for your parent, you know that it can be a frustrating task. Many communities have a long wait list for private rooms – but what if your parent needs 24/7 care now? You might consider skipping the wait, since companion rooms offer a range of benefits for individuals with memory care issues.

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How to Help Someone With Dementia Live Well

How to Help Someone With Dementia Live Well

While there’s no cure for dementia, there are things you can do to make your loved one as happy and comfortable as possible. Despite their diagnosis, they still have time left, maybe many years, so you should do everything you can to help them live well.

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Finding Joy in Life With Dementia

Finding Joy in Life With Dementia

Loving someone with dementia can be so difficult at times. It’s hard to remember on the ‘bad’ days, but they are still capable of feeling love, purpose, fulfillment and joy. The affection that they can show demonstrates how powerful human emotion is, even overcoming cognitive decline. There is joy beyond the diagnosis, not just gloom, and that’s true for you, your loved one and the entire family.

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